Complications of precipitate labor
Complications of precipitate labor

complications of precipitate labor

Health care providers must quickly and accurately identify the nature of the problems and intervene to reduce or limit detrimental effects on the mother and newborn. However, when complications occur during labor, they can have devastating effects on the maternal-fetal outcome. Labor and birth usually progress with few problems.


Trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) (p. Prolapsed umbilical cord (PRŌ-lăpst ŭm-BĬL-ĭ-kăl, p. Hypotonic uterine dysfunction (hī-pō-TŎN-ĭk, p. Hypertonic uterine dysfunction (hī-pĕr-TŎN-ĭk Ū-tĕr-ĭn, p. Discuss the rationale for vaginal birth after a prior cesarean birth.Īmnioinfusion (ăm-nē-ō-ĭn-FŪ-zhăn, p. Describe the preoperative and postoperative care of a woman who is undergoing a cesarean birth.Ģ2. Discuss five indications for a cesarean birth.Ģ1. List three potential complications of multifetal pregnancy.Ģ0. Describe umbilical cord prolapse, and state two associated potential complications.ġ9. Review the most common cause of rupture of the uterus during labor.ġ8. Define precipitate labor, and describe two nursing actions that should be taken to safeguard the baby.ġ7. List two indications for using forceps to deliver the fetus.ġ6. Describe three types of lacerations that can occur during the birth process.ġ4. Explain why an episiotomy is performed, and name two basic types of episiotomies.ġ3. Define and identify three common methods used to induce labor.ġ2. Explain the term cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD), and discuss the nursing management of CPD.ġ1. List two potential complications of a breech birth.ġ0. Name and describe the three different types of breech presentation.ĩ. Differentiate between hypotonic and hypertonic uterine dysfunction.Ĩ.

complications of precipitate labor

Identify two complications of premature rupture of membranes.ħ. Interpret the term premature rupture of membranes.Ħ.

complications of precipitate labor

Explain why tocolytic agents are used in preterm labor.ĥ. Describe two major nursing assessments of a woman in preterm labor.Ĥ. Discuss four factors associated with preterm labor.ģ.

Complications of precipitate labor